Precooler and Ash Catcher

Plaisir Aschefänger | 18,8 | Bunte Mischung | XXL
Plaisir Aschefänger | 18,8 | Bunte Mischung | XXL
21,90 € *
currently not in stock
Plaisir Aschefänger | 18,8 | XXL
Plaisir Aschefänger | 18,8 | XXL
21,90 € *
currently not in stock
Plaisir Aschefänger | 14,5 | Bunte Mischung | XXL
Plaisir Aschefänger | 14,5 | Bunte Mischung | XXL
19,90 € *
in stock
Plaisir Aschefänger | 14,5 | XXL
Plaisir Aschefänger | 14,5 | XXL
19,90 € *
in stock
Plaisir Aschefänger | 14,5
Plaisir Aschefänger | 14,5
17,90 € *
in stock

Filters, percolators, ash catchers and activated carbon adaptors for bongs

Who doesn't know the feeling: The smoke of your bong tastes burned and leads to a sore throat, and neither fresh bong-water nor thorough cleaning lead to the desired smoking experience. This is however not the reason to quit smoking a water-pipe, but rather an indication for you needing a precooler. Thanks to their filtration effect, they protect the respiratory system from unnecessarily hot and polluted smoke. We offer a broad range of pre-coolers in all shapes and sizes. Our assortment includes simple precoolers, clever ash catchers and active carbon adapters as well as varied diffusors and ingenious percolator-filters with different ground joint sizes.

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