Our head shop in Esterhazygasse
is temporarily closed!

You can find out more HERE

The new headshop is located in our branch

Margaretenstraße 121 | 1050 Wien
+43 1 786 04 72

MO–FR 10:00-19:00 | SA 10:00-18:00

Our Growshop in Esterhazygasse
is temporarily closed!

You can find out more HERE

The new GROWSHOP is located in our flagship store

Margaretenstraße 121 | 1050 Wien
+43 1 786 04 72

MO–FR 10:00-19:00 | SA 10:00-18:00



Margaretenstraße 121 | 1050 Wien
+43 1 786 04 72

MO–FR 10:00-19:00 | SA 10:00-18:00


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