Germination & Cultivation

Germinate seeds and cultivate cuttings successfully

In our online shop for grow products and grow accessories you will find everything you need to germinate and grow your favorite plant properly. Growers who want to cultivate their hemp plant from cuttings or prefer to use cannabis seeds from renowned seed banks should not work without special sprouting and growing equipment. In order for your seeds to sprout properly, the right heat, water, light and oxygen conditions must be maintained. Check out the following section to find out which equipment is best for your grow project.

Why cannabis clones need a greenhouse

Fresh Cuttings need a lot of moisture because they did not develop roots yet and are therefore best cultivated in a greenhouse. With a constant humidity of 70% - 80% (airing recommended), the clones of the mother plant need up to 2 weeks until they start to develop roots. Urban gardeners who want to grow their hemp plant from seeds must make sure that the seeds do not dry out under any circumstances. A greenhouse provides the necessary moisture and the seeds will usually start to germinate after 2 to 3 days.

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