
Integra Boost Humidiccant | 420g | 55%
Integra Boost Humidiccant | 420g | 55%
- 72%
21,90 € 6,21 € *
in stock
Integra Boost Hanging Desiccant Strips | 6 x 1000g
Integra Boost Hanging Desiccant Strips | 6 x 1000g
- 70%
149,90 € 44,84 € *
in stock

The perfect humidity for your dried herbs

Integra's 2-way humidity control technology responds to the environment you place it in - either releasing or absorbing moisture as needed to ensure the optimal environment for everything from your family's favorite pantry items to those rare cigars you've been saving for a special occasion.

3 Reasons Integra Brings Balance Like Never Before

  1. Safe, salt-free, and 100% non-toxic: All of our products are FDA-approved, spill- and tear-resistant, biodegradable and non-toxic. Plus, they're 100% salt-free - so they won't alter the taste of your pantry items, cannabis or rare cigars—and are made with food-grade approved ink.
  2. Stop playing the guessing game: Every Integra Boost pack includes a hands-free Replacement Indicator Card. When the dot on the card turns bright blue, it's time to replace your packet. It's that simple.
  3. Humidity control that adapts to your needs: Whether you live on a humid coast or in a landlocked desert, Integra products respond and adapt to the environment they're placed in, creating optimal moisture levels with minimal work.

Say goodbye to too wet and too dry: it's time to meet your goldilocks moment!

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